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 Go an extra mile, it is never crowded ...


For the last decade, I have worked as a Spa and Wellness Director. I ran smaller Spa teams and teams of seventy multicultural staff. 

My work is my passion and lifestyle, but in the last few years as Spa Director, I have actually begun to feel like I'm no longer living my dream, and my enthusiasm and overall balance have gradually disappeared. I always listen to my body and intuition and I knew that there would be a change. Our life is too short to survive in dissatisfaction. If such a feeling persists for longer, and we ignore the signals, it may lead to the total burnout of the organism, which is unfortunately nowadays becoming more and more frequent in the management positions.


I began to feel that my office work and endless meetings were consuming so much time that I had no time to motivate others to become the best version of themselves. I did not have time for real operation, business, training and workshops that I absolutely love and are my engine and passion.


As a graduate of Comenius University / teacher of biology and physical education - I do not plan to become one state :) / I probably missed the aspect of educating and motivating others. After 15 years, I was sure I was on the right track. Spa & wellness is my engine, which I owe for waking up every day with a great smile and enthusiasm for a new day. When the pressure of many of you who were interested in my workshops and projects started to grow, I knew that it was time to start my mission and help others, such as Spa beginners and professionals, to be even more successful in their business and live their dreams.


 Passionate to help others
become the best version of themself!


  • 17 years Spa experience worldwide

  • Spa consultant & coach

  • Spa & Wellness Director

  • Mystery shopper service

  • Spa Advisory services

  • Pre-Opening Planning

  • Management Service 

  • Operational Support



  • Master degree, teacher of  Biology and P.E

  • Internal Trainer, Mandarin Oriental Hotel 

  • Licensed Massage Therapist, London, Bratislava

  • Aromatherapy & Hot stone & Poultices Massage 

  • Detoxifying body wraps & scrubs specialist, Nice

  • Licenced Facialists, Miami

  • Caci Lifting Facials: Microcurrent

  • Ski and fitness instructor, Bratislava

  • Management skills certificate, Prague



Beauty & Wellness expertka

  • Renomovaná expertka v oblasti Beauty & Wellness s více než 20letými zkušenostmi na prestižních pozicích ve významných značkách, jako jsou Mandarin Oriental, Princess Cruise Lines, Radisson SAS a Aquapalace Resort.

  • Její vášeň a odborné znalosti ji vedly k neustálému zvyšování kvality služeb v Beauty & Wellness sektoru.​ Jako uznávaná speakerka a mentorka inspirovala více než 1000 lidí prostřednictvím svých business školení.

  • Zuzana se specializuje na Mystery Shopping v oblasti Beauty & Wellness a poskytuje poradenství, které podporuje růst kvality a ziskovost provozů.​

  • Působí v Praze, kde měla tu čest spolupracovat s prestižními klienty, jako jsou Four Seasons a Chateau Mcely, stejně jako s různými kosmetickými firmami a luxusními klinikami.

  • V rámci svých poradenství se aktivně podílí na výstavbě nových wellness projektů, kde sdílí své cenné know-how a osvědčené postupy, které zajišťují vysoké standardy služeb a ziskovosti.​

  • Zuzanina mise přesahuje pouhé poskytování odborného poradenství; do každého projektu vkládá také svou vášeň. Tento přístup jí umožňuje přispívat k osvětě a zvyšování kvality v oblasti Beauty & Wellness, a tím inspirovat ostatní k naplnění jejich profesních snů.​

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